1. 同一個時間內只能夠有一個執行緒擁有mutex。
2. 同一個時間內只能夠有一個執行緒進入critical section。
3. Mutex速度較慢。因為Critical Section不需要進入OS核心,直接在User Mode 就可以進行動作。
4. Mutex可以跨Process使用。Critical Section則只能夠在同一個Process使用。
5. 等待一個mutex時,你可以指定『結束等待』時間長度,但對於critical section則不行。
HANDLE WINAPI CreateMutex( __in_opt LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpMutexAttributes, __in BOOL bInitialOwner, __in_opt LPCTSTR lpName ); // The name can have a "Global\" or "Local\" prefix to explicitly create the object in the global or session namespace. The remainder of the name can contain any character except the backslash character (\).用ReleaseMutex來釋放Mutex
BOOL WINAPI ReleaseMutex( __in HANDLE hMutex );簡單的範例
CMutex::CMutex(std::wstring wstrMutexName) { std::wstring wstrMutex = L"Global\\"; wstrMutex += wstrMutexName; m_mutex = ::CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, wstrMutex.c_str()); } CMutex::~CMutex() { ::CloseHandle(m_mutex); } HRESULT CMutex::Lock() { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; DWORD dRet = WaitForSingleObject(m_mutex, INFINITE); switch (dRet) { case WAIT_TIMEOUT: // Time out break; case WAIT_OBJECT_0: // Process over hr = S_OK; break; case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1: // Don't Know break; } return hr; } void CMutex::Unlock() { ::ReleaseMutex(m_mutex); }如果想要利用Mutex讓一個Process在同一時間只被執行一次的話,可以用下列的方法檢查
CMutex g_vthumbMutex(strModuleName); if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { return; }2. 用OpenMutex
HANDLE WINAPI OpenMutex( __in DWORD dwDesiredAccess, __in BOOL bInheritHandle, __in LPCTSTR lpName );Reference: